Jewel Lake
Church of the Nazarene
What’s New?
Renovation Project
The church hallways are getting a fresh look and we need your help!
Flooring will be replaced and walls will be repainted.
For more details and find out where you can help, speak with Pastor Troy or Tom Dupea.
Completion Goal: Before District Assembly
February is Alabaster Month
Alabaster Offering February 23rd
Help build churches, schools, community centers, and medical facilities in mission fields around the world.
Alabaster boxes are available in the Sanctuary
Valentine’s Day Dinner
Thank you for those who joined
and donated to our first NYC
fundraiser event!
There will be more opportunities
to help our teens get to NYC so stay tuned!
New to Jewel Lake Church?
Text “Welcome” to 907-341-4148
To easily get connected
Get in touch with us
First Name
Last Name
Coming Soon!
(907) 243-2344
4025 West 88th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska, 99502